The first British regulated GBP stablecoin issuer.

poundtoken is the regulated issuer of 1GBP


The first British regulated GBP stablecoin issuer.

poundtoken is the regulated issuer of poundtoken.

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver unparalleled liquidity, universal adoption, and maximum utility. Committed to the highest regulatory standards and innovative practices, we strive to provide stablecoins that exceed user expectations, fostering widespread confidence and adoption. Through transparency, resilience, and user-centricity, we empower individuals, businesses, and institutions to transact seamlessly in a stable and reliable digital currency environment.

Join us on this transformative journey, where we aim to be the epitome of stability, innovation, and trust in the world of stablecoins.

Our Team

Mike Crosbie

Chief Executive Officer

Nick Maybin

Chief Operating Officer

Leigh Kennaugh

Chief Financial Officer

Grecia Ballard

Chief Risk & Compliance Officer / MLRO

Benedict Dixon

Technology Advisor

Adam Clegg

Senior Operations Manager

Our team

We are a team of passionate, seasoned innovators with a wealth of experience across several industries.

Let’s get started

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Let’s get started

Contact our partnerships team to learn how your business may benefit from

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